Some Like It Hot... Coronado Hotel

On Friday I headed down to San Diego.

It is the second largest city in California, and home to a massive Naval base. Neither of these things in themselves were great draws for me. However San Diego is also home to the Hotel del Coronado, best known as the hotel from the movie ‘Some Like It Hot’. It is a favourite movie of mine (isn’t it a favourite of everyone?!), and the chance to walk in the footsteps of Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis was too tempting.

The place was fantastic, the weather balmy and the beach broad.

I didn’t find any shells to name my Oil company after while wandering the sands though… nor did I get my bum pinched in the lift by an Octogenarian millionaire.

I did get to watch the movie though as they have a channel in the hotel devoted to movies that have a connection with the place. If you want to watch one then you call down to the front desk and they put one on for you. Of course I watched SLIH, but I also got to see ‘The Wizard of Oz’, the screenplay of which was written in the hotel. I had never seen it before. Yes, really!

It is an ok film, but can someone please explain exactly what relevance flying monkeys, the wicked witch and ruby shoes have to gay culture – I am as bewildered as ever by its iconic status in ‘the community’!
