Why do Americans do that... Overreact to not being awarded the 2016 Olympics

The American reaction to the 2016 Olympic decision has been fascinating.

Readers will know the Olympic Bidding process is one of those things I find interesting. I was hoping Rio would win the 2016 decision and they did.

Reaction in the US has been extreme.

On the one hand, right wingers have been gleeful that Chicago has lost as it apparently involves an international repudiation of Obama and represents his first major defeat.

On the other, the left has been sad for the city of Chicago and the loss of potential jobs and investment. However their disappointment is still tinged with a kind of disbelief that the US could have been passed over at all. Almost as if the US has a god given right to host the Olympics every time they click their fingers and demand it.

I heard one interviewer in the crowd in Chicago asking "They rejected New York and now Chicago. Does our rejection mean that the World hates America?"

Not at all... The day before the 2012 vote that awarded the games to swinging London, the NYC powers that be TURNED DOWN planning permission for the proposed New York 2012 Olympic Stadium in Madison Square Gardens... That's right. New York went into the bid vote without a stadium in it's bid. Rejecting that bid wasn't an act of hatred, it was common sense!

I have not heard a single US person question whether perhaps Rio, Madrid or Tokyo simply had better bids.
