Tony Abbott is the leader of the opposition Liberal Party in Austalia.
The country is gearing up for an election later in the year and he was on TV last night answering questions put to him by an audience.
Before he came into politics he was at a seminary training to become a Priest. The issue of immigration is a hot potato here it seems as refugees try to get to Australia in boats.
Putting these two points together a member of the audience asked Abbott, "What would Jesus do with the Boat People"?
Abbot replied, "Jesus threw the money lenders out of the Temple."
After a pause the chair asked him to clarify what he meant by that.
"I just meant that Jesus didn't say yes to everybody. Jesus knew there was a place for everything. It is not necessarily everyone's place to come to Australia."
As Jesus was himself a refugee , I am not sure he would be in agreement with Tony Abbott.
If you google 'Tony Abbott', you get a high number of stories about him in a pair of 'Budgie Smugglers' as Speedos are called in Oz... I get the impression he isn't taken very seriously and Kevin Rudd's second term is probably assured.
Kevin Rudd collapsed in the opinion polls after shelving a popular policy to bring in a carbon tax on high carbon energy companies.
He was replaced as leader of the Labor Party by Julia Gillard who called a snap General Election.
Tony Abbot's Liberal Coalition came within 21,000 votes of winning the vote and tied with Labor on seats won. Labor now governs with the support of minority parties and independents.
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