Air New Zealand

Over the last few weeks in New Zealand I had met a few people who had been to or transited through Los Angeles. Not one person had a single good word to say for the place.

“Stay one night and move on” was the most regularly given bit of advice. One even went as far as describing the city as “Americas’ armpit”!

The armpit allusion is more apt in relation to Air New Zealand unfortunately. The food I was served in the airport lounge gave me a bad case of food poisoning, which I had to cope with mid-Pacific. To make matters worse, the footrest on my seat broke and to sleep I had to put my feet up on a packing crate…

The seats were pretty uncomfortable and the movie choice was terrible. This latter was particularly relevant to me as I managed a grand total of two hours sleep and needed something entertaining to keep me from insanity. ‘Love Actually’ on a repeat loop frankly wasn’t up to the job and contemplating it for the fourth time in ten hours did little to balance my humour as the West coast of the US hoved into view.

Thankfully, I did not find Los Angeles to be as awful as reported, or indeed as awful as Air New Zealand. Perhaps this is how everyone should arrive in a city with a bad reputation – ie on a flight so bad that you would be pleased to find yourself landing in Pyongyang. Time spent in North Korea would certainly beat time spent watching Hugh Grant ponce about as PM.
