Banias Waterfall

Drive straight ahead out of Haifa.

Take a left at Nazareth.

Bear left at the point where Jesus walked on water.

Keep straight past the place where he fed the 5,000.

Drive over the 1949 Armistice Line between Israel and Syria.

Turn right again; drive through a minefield and you get to the Banias Waterfall on the Golan Heights.

A beautiful natural spot, which lies in territory governed by Israel won from Syria in the 1967 six day war.

UN resolutions 242 and 338 suggest that the land should be returned to Syria as part of an agreement whereby all parties "acknowledge the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence" while accepting the "inadmissability of the acquisition of territory by war".

There are some who would say I could therefore claim to have been to Syria...

But not even I would try to get away with that one.


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