Country 65: Iceland is dark in January

It seemed like such a good idea to go to Iceland.

In January.

On my first morning I woke up at 8am. After a few snooze buttons, and general morning routine, I headed down for breakfast and then out onto the streets of Reykjavik at about half nine.

I stood there on the street in front of the hotel, blinking in the sharp streetlight. The reality of the near Arctic darkness sinking in as the Receptionist at the hotel told me that sunrise today would happen at around 11:30am.

As I wandered around Central Reykjavik taking photos and being touristy, it was odd to be in the darkness and able to see people beavering away in offices in the background.


  1. No bloody thank you. I can barely stand darkness at 4pm in the UK. I come from a place where sunrise is 6am and sunset is 6pm and it shifts by an hour, max. You northern hemisphere people are nuts. And I STILL can't get used to changing the clocks. Change the bloody time school starts, that's what I say.


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