Why do Americans do that... Complaining about Marrakech

It's all about the Riad.

So says everyone who has been to Morocco.

Chic, boutique. A third word ending in a syllable that sounds like eeek. A riad is the style of building where all the rooms are built around a central courtyard. Most accomodation in Marrakech is in this style. It means that the rooms do not have windows and the purpose of all of this is to maximise privacy and minimise heat retention.

It is very sociable and as you can see often very nicely done.

We couldn't be in the main area for more than a moment without cups of Mint Tea being thrust at us (without the insulin chasers their sweetness demanded!). This style of living makes it easy for those looking after you to keep you well attended.

But the problem with this style of living is that just as you are settling into savouring your mouthful of mint tea, you find your moment of peaceful reflection on the hurly burly of the souk disrupted by the man in Room 2 snoring as he takes a nap.

Just as you head to bed for an early night so you can get the 6am bus to the Cascades de Ouzoud the next day, the family of 6 French people arrives back from their meal out and decide to linger for three hours in the courtyard over an espresso.

Just as you return from the Cascades the following afternoon and decide to try again for a moment of peaceful reflection over another cup of mint tea, the two American tourists compete to shout over their shower about what a shithole Marrakech is and how they can't wait to move onto Barcelona.

While this meant we were never late for breakfast, like Marrakech itself, this style of accomodation was more interesting than it was relaxing.

And for once I found myself in partial agreement with the Americans. After all, I would never hanker after a trip to Barcelona!


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again.


    You want proof?

    Check it: http://ittybittycrazy.squarespace.com/imported-data/tag/hell-is-other-people


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